A case of clean
Since the beginning of time, man (and woman) have come together to live, procreate and as a result, of that, become parents who would form a family that would exist under the same roof. And, within that, men, women and the family (the children born), would not only be under the same roof, but under the ceiling.
But, what happens, when you discover the roof (ceiling) you are cohabitation under, become black with, mold? And how do you establish where it has come from? In this story, I am going to talk to you about a normally white ceiling.
As you can see, in the photo to the right of your screen, the ceiling is not the white colour, it should be. It has tinges of black, that have appeared. Now, this property is being rented, yes, by me, and when the attention of the owners was called upon, I was so grateful, as no blame game was played out here: ie: what I was not doing and needed to.
The discussion was around water leakage? Notice, no blame? yeaah. And my answer was no. but this got me thinking, how would the ceiling have gotten like this? And my answer there is an on suite ( a bathroom) off this room, which is a bedroom. And that is the part that I am referring to when humans ( at the start of the study) live in situations like this. And the other part of the problem, for me is that the sun struggles to get into that room because of the positioning of the house and the neighbours house next door. Not enough dry, with the sun coming in to warm and make good. But instead cold, wet and damp.
Discussion was on, finding a way forward for this fortress, to which, because of what I knew, from experience, that a clean was the best solution, and again I am glad and grateful, that I got the go ahead to organise, with some help to, clean the ceiling of this fortress.