by KnowingAndAbility | Feb 7, 2021 | Fashion
It is about simple and sweet

When it comes to fashion, as well as being able to function and get things done, simple and sweet is the way to go, and with a tshirt dress like this, you cannot go wrong.
When worn, it goes just past the knee, which is what you want also, for the sweet thing. The stripes gives the vibrant look of chilled for the summer days. Because the dress is made of cotton, which is good material for summer, sweat will not be a factor, so the dress can be worn for one more day.
And because this tshirt dress came in two colors, I was able to purchase the other one which is black, also the same style.
Now to some detail that makes this fashion simple and sweet. This dress and the other one were affordable. This is what you want from all of the fashion that you buy. It still looks presentable, and is simple and sweet.
Because of that, you now have the ability to run your errands and get things done. Meeting of some sort? No problem. wear flats, Now you look simple and sweet, and fantastic as you go about getting things done. You will not struggle through the day, from sweat. Instead you have simple, sweet, a poem, a plan, and lots of sunshine.
Yanna xo
by KnowingAndAbility | Feb 7, 2021 | Fashion
Fashion and function, to funny and feeling fantastic

Do you ever feel that you have been given less time to get things done than another person?
Feeling cool
It is agreed, that fitness is good. It makes everything about your life better. And ever more awesome is when doing with another fantastic female who also has the same goal with her health and well being. Being fit and fantastic, enhances your soul, brings about mental clarity, and as a result of this daily action, motivates you to do more with your life.
and fit
I am a big believer of doing, and doing daily. I try to work at mixing my movement up to see what is working for my well being and how to get better, and one thing I have found is that doing daily gives me the dose of delivering for my soul that i need.
What comes next is about brain power and pushing to a point of preparedness.
I love all things psychology and philosophy… both in theory and practice. The practice is about putting on the right gear and heading out for a walk with another for, counting steps and conversation. The stories and the sharing, can set you up until for when you meet next.
Female and female
The theory is about listening and learning, linking up with another to have a good conversation, a laugh or two while sharing wisdom through wealth of experience. And some listening has bought about just that. Experience.
Experience is learned within your environment.
When I started my cleaning (to be gleaming) business many years ago, I did not know how I would do. I was really happy when, the next day the phone rang with a work offer, one that would turn me and my work into a work in progress. And because I knew what my goal was, I knew I needed to just get on with doing, with what fashion and resources I had on hand.
Evolving emotions
However I still needed more help, from another female
When I got the work, and to work and walk with another female, that followed with raving reviews, my attitude and mindset changed to feeling fit and fantastic from the opportunities that had come my way.
by KnowingAndAbility | Feb 5, 2021 | Fashion
Make sure that every day to fill yourself with these three meals, breakfast, lunch, and something to eat as your day winds up.
Have outfits for everything that you will do. From work to going for a wonder and having a holiday that has been planned for two.
Keeping your environment clean is not really that hard. You just have to know how much time you need to complete, and then just start.
Once you have started cleaning, you should still feel motivated to move, because of the remaining energy, get out and do some more moving, you will be glad you still have that good feeling groove.
by KnowingAndAbility | Jan 8, 2021 | Fashion
Support is about meeting up

Being cool and fantastic does not take much action. It is about all of the things that you as a female like to indulge in when you can. This always starts and ends with you, your fashion and in your fortress.

Fun can mean many things to many people, but for me it is about getting on a plane when I can and firstly detoxing myself, by planning to purchase access to a window seat and resting my eyes, body and soul, by leaning against the window and the back of the chair.
But before I do that, two things are in order, and they are to get hold on some reading material in the form of a book and a magazine. Magazines are just the best for times like long waiting, because of the nature of the editorial. You can flick through and then go back for some juicy bits.
And speaking of juicy. meeting famous people is also just the best. These people although they like anyone else have a job to full fill, they generally seem to like what it is they do, but meeting them to confirm this is just an awesome experience.
And engaging with others who also like to do this is fantastic, simply because we can engage in conversation, that can be both insightful and entertaining.
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by KnowingAndAbility | Jan 8, 2021 | Fashion
The fun in flying

Planning to be on a plane:
One thing I always love to do when I can, is to fly somewhere and with that see someone. Not only do I find the experience of planning, and purchasing the ticket/s, but after I have done that, I then enjoy the packing up. What will I wear, on the plane? How much will I pack? For me, the whole process from a to b is about being and able.
Great luggage must haves: work and office bag
A work and office bag is a must if you are running your own show. This way you can have your office always with you, but both separately and together at the same time, meaning such things as magazines, books and other items you see as necessary, but not too much, to have with you.
So, happy flying!
by KnowingAndAbility | Jan 2, 2021 | Fashion
Fantastic female on a Friday

It’s Friday! Time to chill, from a week of doing to done, don’t you think? Unless you are someone who always feels the need to be doing to be able to chill? After meeting with you to then meeting others and making it my mission to create as many coolchics as possible, I figured that I also need to constantly remain cool myself.
And that means remaining cool but casual even on a Friday. As you will have seen around, creating a wicked wardrobe, enables you, because the actions you take compel you to then desire to create a wickedly wonderful environment for you and others to live in. It is here that coolchic coolness exists.
When you learn, as I have, from day one of being a home help to now, that when your working day is done, regardless of where work is, if you have not already, you start desiring the same result of getting it done within your own environment. And then, because of your efforts, this becomes an ongoing action that you take, no matter where it is that you are going or the day and the date you will have, whether for personal as it was for me or professional. You learn, as I want you to, to get it done, and be cool.