by KnowingAndAbility | Jan 2, 2021 | Fashion
What is means to be cool and fantastic on a Friday

A guide
Being cool is about knowing what you have to offer (and showing that a good choice was made with hiring you). Executing with excitement (within you, happy that someone has given you an opportunity) and education, (engaging people, being cool with conversation, while you work. Can happen you know, if you do it carefully: ie: not talking to much, just at the right times, with a smile on your face, and a bit of laughter. Go with the flow on that one.
Let’s get started,shall we? Do people really value fantastic?
Yes, but people also want volumizing to happen. Now that word, mostly relates to the styling of hair, for adding fullness, that is why I am using it. Because, yes people do value fantastic, because they want to experience the fullness of fantastic, however this action constantly requires effort, and energy, to always be fantastic. So, if you can and are prepared to give fullness, always, meaning you will always need to be fit- the coolchic thing, then you will be fantastic and you will be valued. You may not always feel it, but you will be valued.
Starting –
Being fantastic means that you have a starting point, (like everything in life) and an ending point (again like everything in life). And this starting point is with you, your fashion and in your fortress. You doing for you.
How to – get it done

Now that you are dressed and ready to go, you will want to get it done within your fortress, first. And because, as it is said “time is money”, it is, when you are employed. You are on someone else’s clock and you will be getting their cash. So your comfort and being connected with you, starts with you making sure that your fortress is fine and FANTASTIC if and when you need to leave your fortress and when you return. Because, by this time,the day will be done and you will have been doing.
Build – to be better
You will stumble, fall and as a result fail. However, no 1, as I said at the beginning about smiling etc, building a relationship, (like I am doing now with you), by doing that and continuing to do that, your costumers (you know the ones helping you be cool) will be good to you, and with this in mind, you need to own your mistake, move on, quietly and quickly.
Do walk when you can
Remember the cool chic thing? About the need to be fit, to be fantastic. Yes that. You will need the right fashion footwear and fashion finds to help you.
Involve others if you need to
Being cool means having a conversation. On and of the phone. Face to face is best. You get the body language thing, helping you be cool with your part of how the conversation is going or if it needs to stop. Do this, not only when you are working, but also when you are not. You learn about yourself (and others). You know about the sharing is caring, (again, like I am doing now).

Help others –
If you can. This one is about confidence. Yours.
Being a beauty
Helping others, that’s beauty, your beauty
And this is where I sign off, and I help you more with your beauty in you becoming a coolchic, too.
by KnowingAndAbility | Jan 1, 2021 | Fashion
Fantastic female

Being cool and fantastic, starts with you in your fortress, planning, preparing, purchasing, and providing, to then feeling and being pretty. So, first you start with planning. This planning is about how you start your day with the fashion that you will wear. This will depend on what you are “doing”.

Preparing is the next step, as you then move to finds, to complement your fashion to being a cool chic who is then fantastic starting in her fortress, creating a list of items for those that she cares about, and those she provides consults for, before going out into the community and purchasing.

Purchasing to provide. Whether this be for professional or personal, ( because remember, you are your own boss), it is this ongoing action that makes a cool chic, pretty fantastic. Because finding fantastic is about you looking at you in the mirror, in your different fashion and assessing how each one makes you feel, before you go out into the community and be cool.
by KnowingAndAbility | Dec 30, 2020 | Fashion
Hi coolchic
Are you sweet as, for a stroll to do a Saturday Morning stockup?
learn about being cool and fantastic, even on a Saturday,
Coolness and what that looks like, comfortable in your fashion to feel fantastic to “get it done”
5 different pieces for pleased, a pretty you and perfection.
Being cool is about knowing you, your fit and your style
When you know these elements enjoying your fashion is so much easier for the feel good factor
Being cool comes easy
by KnowingAndAbility | Dec 30, 2020 | Fashion
Jot words down, in pieces

Mental health is being talked about more and more in the world, and this is a great thing. Why? because this approach to learning to be with ourselves is important for ourselves.
I call it “jot it down in pieces”, because sometimes that is all that you can do for any duration of time.
My approach to teaching with this resource is about imagination. And we all have that. So why not “jot it down, in pieces”.The learning is about discovery of “you and your thoughts, or your pieces of pain”

And we all have that to.
This resource is about feelings. And guess what people, I can hear you all now, we all have those, they too, are in pieces.
There are two sections: and both are about feelings and finding. The top box is for drawing what (comes to mind) and the bottom part is for feelings, how (that in your mind, looks in words and on paper.
And we could all do with practising what is on our minds, for good mental health, by “Jotting down in pieces”.
by KnowingAndAbility | Dec 29, 2020 | Fashion
Guide to being well with water (fluid), in and – out – of your fortress

Do you know that there are many uses for water, for well being?
Water is used with everything we humans do, it is essential to our survival.
And it is also how, when, and where we are consuming, that also needs to be considered.
You could turn on the tap, but with all of the chemicals used to keep the water clean and good for consumption it is better to collect water another way.
It is about water for well being
What is water? from google:
the clear liquid that has no color, taste, or smell, that falls from clouds as rain, that forms streams, lakes, and seas, and that is used for drinking, washing, etc. : an area of water (such as a lake, river, or ocean) : a specific area of water especially : an area of seawater
Health benefits through bonding, using water?
From the time you are born, water is used to help you in your first few hours and then years of life: bathing, to which you are with your mother and if she has been doing it right (with water) your mother will also be able to feed you from her body, also containing water, that will now help you along the way. This is until further down the track when you do not need your mother so much anymore.
But you will still need water.
Because the next step, for you is drinking followed by doing your business. Controversial conversation, I know, but this is what it means to be cool chic and fantastic, being able yourself to go to the bathroom.
To wash and be wonderful
Since the time of me being a teenager, a shower, has always been my go to for time out from life. It becomes double down delight as I nurture myself to good health through a shower and for some mental therapy, that always soothes my soul.
Sit and be, with a cup of tea
To help fully wind down after a day of doing and a shower, the ultimate is a good cup of tea. And it contains water. This action of drinking a cup of tea after a shower, and slowly! This has complete comforting effects for being able to evolve as a human being to a fantastic female the following hours later.
Turn on and wash
And lastly, the washing machine as it cleans the smells and the day out and away from your clothes, to hanging the items out somewhere for a refreshing smell that is the laundry powder.
Water and well being
Yanna xo
by KnowingAndAbility | Dec 29, 2020 | Fashion
Feel cool, comfortable, fit and fantastic

In and out of your fortress
Do you ever feel that you have been given less time to get things done than another person?
Feeling cool
It is agreed, that fitness is good. It makes everything about your life better. And ever more awesome is when doing with another fantastic female who also has the same goal with her health and well being. Being fit and fantastic, enhances your soul, brings about mental clarity, and as a result of this daily action, motivates you to do more with your life.
and fit
I am a big believer of doing, and doing daily. I try to work at mixing my movement up to see what is working for my well being and how to get better, and one thing I have found is that doing daily gives me the dose of delivering for my soul that i need.
What comes next is about brain power and pushing to a point of preparedness.
I love all things psychology and philosophy… both in theory and practice. The practice is about putting on the right gear and heading out for a walk with another for, counting steps and conversation. The stories and the sharing, can set you up until for when you meet next.
Female and female
The theory is about listening and learning, linking up with another to have a good conversation, a laugh or two while sharing wisdom through wealth of experience. And some listening has bought about just that. Experience.
Experience is learned within your environment.
When I started my cleaning (to be gleaming) business many years ago, I did not know how I would do. I was really happy when, the next day the phone rang with a work offer, one that would turn me and my work into a work in progress. And because I knew what my goal was, I knew I needed to just get on with doing, with what fashion and resources I had on hand.
Evolving emotions
However I still needed more help, from another female
When I got the work, and to work and walk with another female, that followed with raving reviews, my attitude and mindset changed to feeling fit and fantastic from the opportunities that had come my way.
asking questions
You have heard the saying “your home is your castle”, and it is, so with that in mind, and my mindset changing, I began to ask just one question of my clients, of why they were employing someone like me.
Feeling comfortable
Making sure comfort is a priority, needs to always be no 1 for you, every single day, that you are doing. Whether you are doing a lot or just a little.
So how do you know when you are doing enough for you or whether you need to engage more to see you through? By listening to and learning from your body, you will not need to worry to much about regulating your body.
When you are near home, wearing a lot of layers need not be a worry. a sweat pant type of outfit will see you through. And this will work for you, whether at home or out and about.
This outfit consists of: a sweater, a top of some sort underneath and some track pants, that make you, feel cool, but also comfortable as you go about your business, of “doing” to “get it done”.