Do you know and are you able to talk about what matters to you? Doing this is how you discover about you and the action to take.

Do you know and are you able to talk about what matters to you? Doing this is how you discover about you and the action to take.

Knowing: – Politics, education, eco friendly, the eco system and more. Knowing the topics that matter to you, helps you to engage in meaningful conversation, be yourself, which in turn makes you cool. We live in a world, where we can do this (talk and text through technology) it is good, but it has its place, and that is knowing not to be rude to others, that, get some shopping delivered, instead of going for a walk, and the the other thing, rather than engaging in things ( things being productive, purposeful and guided activities that actually matter to you.

ability: Lets take politics, there are and I think possibly will always be social issues somewhere in the world, about something. At the end of the day, these issues, if we know they matter to us, to do something (ability) about how we feel, and learn all we need to about the issue.

Conversation: Which brings to me to the issue of having conversations about things, (the topics above for instance) with those who you feel you can have a conversation with. I have concluded that there are 7 elements (I talk about these in my article to action) , to having a meaningful, heart felt, belly ached through laughing, conversation. And, my friend, it can all start with one person, that being you. Have one, a conversation that is, with everyone and everywhere. But before you do, make a quite internalised judgement call, about whether or not to proceed with this person.

And remember to always work at keeping the conversation going, if it matters to you. It is about your knowing and ability to call again.

Mental health Monday and the learning needed to get you through the week

Bad experiences give you an educational lesson on how to deal with your anger. Depending on where my mental space is at while controlling and focusing my energy,  I manage my mental health by learning to journal my thoughts.

Good experiences will give you enjoyment – laughter and crying (at the same time) but from the right company.

The best experiences will give you entertainment, that will leave a long-term memory in your mind. 

This is why this content is for your mental health starting on a Monday and the lessons for you to learn through your week. 

Cleaning and your resources

Covid and cleaning – your resources

We live in a world, where hygiene practices have never been more important, for the sake of all of us. Where by making sure that surfaces are as clean looking and feeling as they can be. When the resources that you use to clean with no longer have their use, need to be disposed of, for the sake of good housekeeping and good health. And if you do not feel well, to stay away from others.



The bacteria flying through the air from repeat use of resources that are collating bacteria through you being and living and how well you are, is yours and yours alone, and over the course of time, by you staying away from others, and disposing of resources after a while of cleaning,  will eventually go, because, you are not around others, you are being vigilant with cleaning, hygiene and sanitation, and therefore the bacteria from resources and you (your bacteria) has no where to go, but in the toilet, literally. This will happen each time you clear your nasal passage and use your resources for the purpose they were designed for, cleaning!



Cooking and cleaning: What do you do when it comes to cooking? Are you one of someone like me who likes to clean as they go along, so that there is not much to do later? Or do you just leave the cleaning until later…much later. So that you can really enjoy your food and perhaps the company, if you have it, cleaning as you go is your best defence and this is because you are still in the momentum of “doing” and can monitor everything! Dirty dishes and resources that need to be disposed of carefully.



Cover and cater: You know, I have never really liked glad wrap, because it gets tangled and sometimes rolls itself into a ball, depending on how much is used, and becomes … well… rubbish. So, when I discovered glad covers, that are easier to use, some can be recycled, and they come in different sizes, I was hooked. They make cooking, covering the leftovers for later, catering later when you cannot be bothered with cooking, and cleaning a life saver. You onlly use what you need. So waste, what waste? Is kept to a minimum. Again monitoring your resources, for the decrease in community cases of Covid 19.



Cater and collate: Since I became a home help, serving others and now you, this kind of employment, where you have to buy what your costumers want, otherwise you will be out of work, and I did not want that, you learn to buy only what is working, but you also make sure that it will work for you, so as to when these resources are on special, again to watch what is happening in the community, and to be clean, you stock up, and make yourself kits for cleaning. So that when you cater, collating the rubbish and keeping everything together is easy.



In summary:

Covid 19 is here to stay with us for a while, and our best defence against this, is to know and be able to be as clean, considerate and have a conscience about what we are doing, For the health and well being of ourselves, and those immediately around us. Just because you do not always go out, doesn’t mean others do the same.



How to know, if we are a good fit for you to forge on

How to know, if we are a good fit for you to forge on

What does being fit mean to you? Does it mean looking great? Or does it mean looking and feeling great? I am going to hazard a guess that you are with question two and three? So, if looking and feeling great is important, that means that mentally you want to feel okay, no signs of tired or drained? As I write this post, it is a Monday, and I have now termed this day, for my work purposes. Mental Monday. I have termed this day what it is, because, I am ANXIOUS to get as much out there, so that the rest of my week, is, well,  a breeze. This is me, addressing my mental health, my knowing of which I will now share with you… So, for you and I to work together and get things done, this is what you will need to first be aware of and then be willing to address this. How else to I take care of my mental health and my own learning. I am a great lover of lots of things. These are eating, being entertained by radio hosts (who are good at what they do) you see not all are, and you feel compelled to tune in when they are. Makes the day a bit brighter. Walking and making a plan – whenever you can, walk. Yes you heard me correctly. Even if this action only happens for up to 30 minutes of your day. And if you need some support, or motivation, I offer Therapy and thinking Thursday, for your thoughts. This is me addressing movement, mental health and learning about me. Talking – This can be contagious if done the right way. And by the right way, you will need to know and be able to read each situation as you come to it, to see if the right thing to do is to engage and just keep moving in your own way. For example: just today, before writing this post, I was out walking, addressing many issues within myself, something I encourage for you. And as I was walking, I judged to see whether it would be alright for me to say hi to some ladies walking along… turns out it was, so later down the path, I did this again..slightly different result, but still a positive one. So, you need to be willing to talk, it matters for your mental health, your health and your learning. Thinking – Writing, listening to music, walking and making a plan to pursue, talking and then taking a shower, this is the icing on the cake for your health and well being. This is because of the calming effect. All good stuff. These things are all important, for you to be able to forge on. All of this is about doing to done. And for you and I to work together, you need to be willing to think and then do, to get going and forge on for your mental health and learning.

What you will need to succeed with your knowing and ability

What you will need to succeed with your knowing and ability

As you can imagine, teaching and learning is not just about good teaching. It is also about effective resources, and how the Teacher utilises what he or she has at their disposal . And they come in different sizes, shapes and colours. But, what is just as important, is the resources that students also have, because for any person, who chooses to continue learning as part of their life’s journey, how they learn and what resources they have in front of them to help them is also a must. So let’s take a look at what you need to know about and how having these resources will help you to be able, with your learning. Different coloured and styled pens – There is nothing better than knowing that you have creative side to you, and you are able to show this. When you have mental health issues, such as anxiety having different colours and pens that are not what you would normally see, helps you to cope, by using colour with your work, when you are struggling to find the right words to say, the colours will do it. From here, talking about it, to an educational consultant, for example, who will help you to help you, to continue learning.     Paper – By starting with different coloured pens to help you communicate on different coloured paper what you would like to say. For example, pink, and with the neutral colour of black, ( seems to go with everything) so black works well.  This is an example of how I like to and are able to work, as I develop, not only myself, but how I need to, for me to succeed also.   a journal – This is also another work by colours thing. Working with and enjoy different colours, helps to alleviate, the anxiety, this, I have found is what the eye is looking at, and brings about brightness and beauty. When you know how to alleviate the anxiety with yourself by yourself,  your ability to keep the depression at bay by finding a way of being creative, using a journal and pens, as I have mentioned, and as I discovered many years ago and now with devices, capturing the colours in good stuff is easy and is easy to know how to jot it down.   a diary – For you to succeed, with your knowing and ability, having easy access to all of the above, and utilising these resources on a daily basis, whenever you acknowledge that you are in a situation, and you are learning something, capture it, convert it, for future reference, carry what you know, your journal, and collate your thoughts, in a diary. 

To get a notebook designed for your learning, that will cost you $16.50 : Sign up here

Hi or hello, nice to meet with you

Hi or hello, nice to meet with you! 

Whether it be, a social situation, family, friends, or perhaps both, or a professional working situation, you will most probably engage in the actions on the list below. And, it’s about your knowledge and ability to do so. This kind of greeting, can and does also happen with retail, and depending on the person or people, I will tell you something for nothing, take it when it happens for you because when they (the retail person) are nice and helpful, you feel kind of compelled to return the kindness back.

Meet – “Hi, how are you”? Is generally the first point of greeting that most of us engage in when we have not seen someone or someones for a period of time. And when the person who is asking this question knows about smiling and being genuine in his or her engagement, good feelings are felt and returned.

Greet – When everyone feels this person’s good vibes and energy, everyone generally wants in. Why? I hear you asking? Because this person knows and can engage on a positive note with everyone, and this is because he or she is being genuine and just being themselves. 

Gather – It is for this reason that this person knows how to gather people naturally. This is the reason, that if a genuine feeling of warmth is felt among people, people will gather.

Give – At the end of the day, we all want to know that we can have as many positive encounters with others as possible, am I right? And even if and when we do not, we are still learning to know ourselves, how we want to engage with others, so that if and when the nasty comes around, I talk about this briefly in my description of the work that I do. So, when the nasty comes around, we know that we have to tell ourselves to do the best we can and give ourselves a break, for when the nice comes by. We take ourselves to a good space, mind our matters, we do not be mean, but more so, watch the manners of ourselves and others and remember to give a “Hi, how are you, and mean it – SO HI, HOW ARE YOU? THANKS FOR VISITING. It’s about you know so that you are able.

Yanna@knowingandability xo