Why mowing your lawn will help you manage your mental health and learn to help you to feel good in what you do

Mental health, your movements and you mowing your lawns

Fashion, fitness, fortress, fantastic

Great, so you like getting outdoors, within your own environment, that is and mowing your lawn. This is good, both for your mental health and for keeping your home and garden tidy. Let’s take a look at why this is good for your mental health. If you are someone who constantly feels anxious and always wound up, ( your mental health) then getting outdoors within your own environment, will help keep those anxious feelings at bay. So here is a how to of what to do to help you get through:


Now, your mental health, your movements and you mowing your lawns, all starts with fashion. Yes, what you wear is important to help get you into the right mindset (attitude), to WANT to mow your lawns. You want to wear something like you see in the picture below. Wearing fashion like this that, while is not flash, (you do not want that anyway), you still feel good and comfortable in your skin, literally, so that you feel motivated to get out there and do, for you.


Because, it takes ENERGY to MOVE your lawnmower and therefore you will need to move your body to get the job done. And when you are done with mowing the lawn, and you take the time to look back at what you have done, you will feel drained, but you will also feel great!


Like everything, you want to execute a plan, of when to do. If your knowing includes completing this work during the week, then do the work then. If however, your ability to complete the work, is better for you during the weekend, because of “life’s” other demands, then do the work then. Your knowing and ability to act on what will work for you, so that you do not encounter issues with your mental health, for the benefit of your health, is what will compel you to take action for you to feel fantastic about you and your fortress.


And speaking of





Being a poet, means writing words that can rhyme and that reel people in through a podcast to be listened to comedy style fashion

Being a poet, means writing words that can rhyme and that reel people in through a podcast to be listened to comedy style fashion

Do you like poems, or any similar type of artistry? Being able to make people laugh through the medium of comedy is one thing, but keeping people, like you engaged enough to want to listen to more is another. And art comes in all shapes, sizes, big and small. A podcast that has been created and then all of the artwork (poems collated and then read out for the purpose of a podcast that intends to help others, is something else).

It’s about education

Through the words of each poem, that have been carefully crafted, to be able to connect with the right people at the right time and place, through an inexpensive, and easily accessible medium.

It’s about engaging

It’s not stand up and it is not sit down. But about wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

It’s about entertaining you to help you get through

It’s Monday morning, your day has just started, and you are not looking forward to whatever it is that you have to do. But because you have subscribed to a podcast, that aims to educate, entertain and empower you, your mind and your soul will see you right.

It’s about elevation

Helping others, with every aspect of learning, is the objective of knowing and ability. This is started with the main concept, that being talk. And this is why it matters: knowing something is one thing. The ability to action that knowing is another. And if or when your mental health is suffering such as with anxiety of depression, taking action, might be the last thing might be the last thing on your mind.

The aim of the podcast, is to perk you up and set you on a path to pursue pleasure.

When you add to the podcast mix, education, with the intention of bringing about awareness, that changes peoples attitudes about health and well being, because they find the content funny enough to stick around, and even better when the content has been so good that it is remembered for what it is, that is meant by “Poetry for People podcast”. Poems written by someone with some issues, inviting others to seek help with theirs

Cool chic going through her wicked wardrobe, to look and feel fantastic

I have started this story with – Cool Chic going through her wicked wardrobe, to look and feel fantastic because this is exactly what you need to do. And this work needs to start happening at the beginning of your favorite season. You need to start going through your wardrobe then, as this will be the time when you are feeling fantastic already (remember it’s your favorite season), so getting dressed won’t be a disaster. But if getting dressed is taking a toll on your mental health, simply book a session with me, and I will help you find your four so you learn how to sort that out.


Go through everything

So where do you start? With your undergarments (I am talking underwear, and a bra) as these are items of clothing that you wear every day. With the underwear, you want to know that you have enough. And by enough, wait for it, more than a week’s worth. Yes, you heard me right. You don’t want to be caught short. Next, you want to look at your pajamas. The reason that you are going through your wardrobe in this way, is for the simple reason, that your mental health along with your ability to live your life day to day, is important, and this is how you do it.

 Engaging with life as only you know it

Some of the ways clothes can be used to connect

  • To create a cube of clothing when going on holiday that helps them to feel good every single day.
  • To keep them on track to success, step by step, space by space.
  • To launch a business, by being in the right outfit at the right time
  • To create a structured wardrobe for your wellbeing
  • Build a basket of go to clothes for day to day wear.
  • Expand your wardrobe for all of your wonderful moments
  • To create a higher sense of self worth and self confidence that leads to capable and connected.

Engaging with life as only you know it

Some of the ways clothes can be used to connect

Create a cube of clothing when going on holiday that helps you to feel good every single day – Dresses, skirts, swimwear, special towels, and accessories. Have all of these on standby, so that you can easily enjoy the sunshine.

To keep you on track to success, step by step, space by space – One of my favorite pieces of clothing, are my tracksuit pants, because of the comfortability. When I need to stay on track, I wear my track pants. Think about what you like to wear.

To operate a business, by being in the right outfit at the right time – throughout the day, I might wear a few different outfits, depending on what it is that I am doing, where I am going, and who I am spending my time with if anyone. To constantly feel cool, you have to be wearing the right clothes, right? Of course, you do.

To create a structured wardrobe, for your well-being – if there is one thing I recommend, that is a massage, but even this requires special clothes that allows and prepares your mind and body to relax.

Build a basket of go-to clothes for day-to-day wear – so as my favorite season starts to come, I always make sure to have a few different items that inspire me to live a good life, day to day.

Expand your wardrobe for all of your wonderful moments – From cardigans to jackets, it is all about feeling good and feeling cool, so that smiling and laughing come easy to you. You feel good on the inside.

To create a higher sense of self-worth and self-confidence that leads to capable and connected – It comes down to this when you know yourself, (and you can learn how I do this in my place for people,) understanding your wants and needs becomes easy to achieve. The end result, you know and are able – to focus, flow, and have fun. With a goal and a guide, to show you how it is done.

Track your thoughts through nature, the trees, with a walk and talk, with thinking time and talk about what matters to you

Track your thoughts through nature, the trees, with a walk and talk, with thinking time and talk about what matters to you

Your mental health, if not cared for properly, can affect every other area of your life. However, by creating and sticking to a routine, that you can practice on repeat, and daily, you will discover how easy it can be to track your thoughts.

You start with food

and fluid

hit the footpath

Then you work on your fitness

and after this, you will feel fantastic

When your mindset is right, and with the movements that need to be taken, such as all of the factors above, you can track, trace and continue with success your “thinking time”.

Being a poet – It’s poetry for people, a podcast, different poems personally handwritten and then read out to you about situations that affect mental health

Being a poet – It’s poetry for people, a podcast, different poems personally handwritten and then read out to you about situations that affect mental health

Tell me, do you love funny stuff? Me to, and here is why? It is about personality, while putting words together, that end up rhyming, and talk about life and situations that affect all of us. How we deal with these things.

Thoughts: We all have thoughts. And we all have feelings. Being a poet, is putting those thoughts down on paper and making something out of them.

Words: It’s the words that make the poem. And the words are what describe what has happened for the poet. In this case and others you may read on this site, are about my experiences that I am now sharing with you.

Through a podcast – poetry for people – poems, personally handwritten and read, for you, to help you get through.

Literacy: This is one way of learning about and working with the English language. The English language is written, ready and spoken in few different countries around the world. So it makes sense to know and be able with it.

Rhyme: If you listen carefully to some songs on the radio, there is rhythm and rhyme. You, as the listener know that you relate to the words being sung and the words are catchy, because they rhyme. It is the same with poetry. And poetry for people is about just that. Helping people get through their day by hearing that they may be able to relate to,  that will make them laugh.



Having trouble with learning? Know and be able in steps.

Develop personally, with steps and strategic flow.

In this post, I talk about what it means to learn in steps, and why it is important.

I am going to use the content that I will talk to you about and teach you, so I will start with where I started , cleaning because that is how I got here.

So, let us start with what it means to learn in steps.

To learn means to acquire or gather information that you may not have already known before. The know of Knowing&ability is about how in steps. This is a deep dive into what I do, that makes me feel good. The ability means to flow and achieve.

Now I need to point out here, about my experiences with education, that I did not learn much, because I did not engage and I did not evolve. Putting myself out there to help others (the first time was hard because that frightened little girl, who was scared she would not learn – but instead fail, was out) through sharing how I could help, looking back, I think is a courageous thing to do, and I will tell you why.

Even in this day and age, people can be mean when you share. I know this is controversial, but my thinking on that is if you need to be mean, keep that thought in your head, and get some counseling on why you need to be mean? Where have you learned this behavior? Keep your mouth shut, if you have nothing nice to say, as you will only hurt or annoy someone. If you are the one being bullied if you feel an argument or an attack of some kind will arise, again keep your mouth shut.

So why is learning in steps important?

The last part is why learning in steps is important. You have to mentally and emotionally evolve, and work things out. Do I go there again or not? And so is the next part. It is about doing again, or not, through your knowing&ability. That is your knowing&ability. So, keep reading.

This brings me to the point of learning, in steps. To see how each piece of content is received, by the student. Back then it was me. It still is me, but it is also now about you too. And by received, I mean “Do you know what I am talking about? A question that goes with that, is how will you know? My answer, is my stories, and within that, my steps and strategic flow.

Know and be able on repeat, and with steps.

Much love, Knowing&Ability xo