by KnowingAndAbility | May 12, 2021 | Fashion
How many points for discussion, can you jot down in pieces about your weekend?
It is Monday morning, the start of the week, and that means, going to work. Now it is important to note here, that work means different things to different people, so I am not going to generalise that word “work”. What I am going to say is that taking time out between weeks is a must for mental and emotional well being. And that might also look different for everyone. Engagement with yourself is a must for good mental health.
Just like a Teacher needs to plan every single detail of a curriculum, starting with the first lesson, so to, is planning your weekend, so that you feel that you have had a weekend. This mind fullness is for the sake of yourself and for your mental health. And this may mean, leaving work where it is – at work. Phone calls, people to see and speak too, and places to go to, need to be planned for so that attention can be given to these tasks, during the week, for accomplishment and for acceleration of being accomplished and done, prior to going into the next week. You see, when a Teacher plans, the planning has to be done, for the amount of weeks that there are with each term. And that is up to 4 terms with up to 10 weeks of teaching and learning to happen.
Picture (and visualise)
Can you do that? Picture and visualise?. The when, where, how and why of what you will do, for your “down time”. Your ability to do this on a Sunday before the next Sunday, can be a set as a series of scheduled tasks you set yourself to complete before this time comes along. And this can be achieved, whether you work on your own terms (easier if you do) or whether you work for someone else (especially important, if you do).

So, about the visualising. The picture above, as you can see, is of a gate. This gate is in a place in Indonesia. And, from what I was told, as to why I took the picture, because I thought it would be perfect, to use for my work, is through the gate you may be able to see, and on the other side of what you can see in the picture, is a garden. You see, what I learned, from being there a few years ago, the locals engage in a lot of worshipping, on just about every day of the week. The locals go in, through the gate, and into the garden and worship. This, I thought would be perfect to talk about when it comes to gaining knowledge and then being able “through the pursuit of a goal”, behind the gate through talking about it. As in “whats yours”?
Mental health is now becoming a talking point globally, through everyone, everywhere. For me, this comes down to how you feel, what that looks like, can you describe it? And can you engage in something that helps to you evolve as a person who is pleased what they pursued? A past time, if you will. A place or people to see – to SPEAK to, and discuss what you are up to or what you have done?
To conclude:
Points, for discussion. Remind yourself of any fun that you had leading into and over the weekend. Stay with all of the feelings, whatever they may be about the what you did, who with? When. why and how. And you capture all of this good stuff, by jotting it down, in pieces, for the days when your mental health, is not so healthy.
by KnowingAndAbility | May 6, 2021 | Fashion

Hi Everyone.
I’m Yanna. Yes, that is me in the picture/photo of the classroom! This blog and website has been started from experience from failed education and a desire to provide education, through products and services, while engaging with you. Each module of learning is about helping you to evolve and elevate through sharing.
From blog to business

A business of educating with a purpose. Each blog post, that I write will be about sharing a story, that helped me and now I am sharing the love, with you. Somebody who is interested in what I have to say. The purpose of the sharing will be for increased chill time from being productive, with a plan.
It’s about talking! It matters

What is important is health: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. And for all of these to align well for your well being, getting help when and where you need it. That starts at home. And speaking of home, because that is where my working day begins and ends, my goal will be to post, stories, on the subject of education, once or twice a month, on a Thursday and Friday. Then share over the weekend.
For men, women and children

Who have issues with mental health, and health (nothing serious, that is why I will talk, from listening and learning, to what is important). My ideal audience ranges in age, from 18 – 68. From teens to those who are parents, who are also working professionals who struggle, just a wee bit, to get things done. And want to feel good about what they have achieved by the end of the working week. Why are they struggling? Because they are overwhelmed from where to start, and “life” demands a lot from these people. Ie: they are busy… and sometimes feel burnt out….
Love and relax

Knowing that self care is important, is the first step to then being able with your learning with a plan of getting through the day, when you have quite a few tasks to complete before the end and going to bed. Being involved with that process, is easy. If you like a post that I have written, let me know at the end by liking it. You can also get in touch, through the contact page.
Reaching out

My goals for sharing and with this site are simple. Through the selling of products and services, where my intention is to solve problems that I have struggled with all of my life, and then link up with others, be that men, women or children or all three groups of people, which is “why” I have sections, of “what we do” , coming”how we can help , and have a conversation, with you, to help you get through. And in return you help me to get through, by becoming a paying costumer through reading posts, buying products and accessing services.
by KnowingAndAbility | Apr 11, 2021 | Fashion
Goal to achieve, a gate to get through, a garden that is done

Living and being nervous all of the time, is overwhelming, and finding a way of overcoming this is about jotting words down in pieces. Knowing and ability is all about mental health and learning, through talking, it matters.
And what matters, is: knowing what brings joy to you. When you start to find a way of working this out, this is the time to jot words down in pieces. These pieces are words of actionable tasks that need to be completed. Such as doing laundry, eating, getting exercise in fashion in which you feel fantastic. Overcoming overwhelm is a big thing, and that is because when you do not know where to start, in which what follows that is not being able to move.
As a result, your mental health does not improve either. So where do you start? By thinking about what your goal is for that day. Such as, continuously having clean clothes to wear? In which that case, get a load done. Surely you must be in need of breakfast? And what about some exercise? Getting in and out of your gate, before the sun goes down? And how about (if you have it), and like looking at a garden, to enjoy?
When you have issues with your mental health and well-being, life becomes more important than ever, simply because these things impact your knowing and ability to go out and do, and then get going to get tasks completed. Once, however, you are in that momentum of completing tasks, time goes by, and you will find that, you have achieved. That is what knowing and ability is about.
Knowing how, with tips. Guiding you through with tasks, so that you are able to overcome the overwhelm.
Now, I do not know about you, but my knowing and ability to get out the door, and actually achieve “doing” things, that need to be done, is sometimes my toughest mission for the day. And as you will have learned, for me to get where I am now, I was a home help, and there were some days when, getting out the gate and getting going, was like, if I can achieve this, without drama, then I would be done. So, when you can get strangers, like you, to want to do business with you, on repeat, that there is goal achieved. The gate is the car, the vehicle to get somewhere, and the going for a walk, is well going to work!
Getting real – I think that this one, is one, we can all relate to, because getting real on what you will actually achieve can sometimes feel and be overwhelming. I choose the image above and to capture this, as this represents, what a goal can mean. As you can see, that beyond the gate, that there is grass. Like you will find in a garden. However, what you don’t see, is what is beyond that grass? And that is where experiencing success from getting real with goals and what that looks like to you, means the rocks you have to walk over, and just how much of a break you need to give yourself while also keeping real with achieving. Because, when you do, you will know and be able to accelerate.
Reeling in the good stuff, by planning to do, doing it, with a time frame, and getting it done, before the day is done. A bit of rhyme for your day. Something fun for you to take away.
by KnowingAndAbility | Apr 11, 2021 | Fashion
Why you need a working wardrobe

12 months of the year, for you to get through
why it is good, to have more than one:
You are going on holiday, for a week or two
lots of sightseeing and activities to do
4 seasons and weather changes, that you need to adjust too
jackets and cardigans, when you want to do casual
hot, cold, rain, and sun
flooding, hailstones, for when you need to stay indoors
by the fireplace, snug as a rug
Or maybe, you like skiing, and playing in snow
Whatever your story, it is about why you need to work your wardrobe your way
7 days
by KnowingAndAbility | Apr 8, 2021 | Fashion
Its matters of the mind and your mental health

I call it “matters of the mind”, because that is exactly what it is. You have matters that are bothering you enough, to affect how you feel, and what you do about the “stuff” that is bothering you. Now, I know what you are thinking, see what I did there?”Yanna, we all have stuff that bothers us every now and then” … and my answer to that is, that reaction is a matter of the mind.
Another answer I have, about that is talking, and that is exactly what I provide for you. Throughout my life and still to this day, I have matters of my mind, but because I have always believed in talking, and I have been writing poetry since I was a child, this is sometimes the way in which I manage matters of my mind. I have written about “matters of my mind”, that I will share with you (via talking) to help you with yours, by way of a podcast.
The title is “Poetry for people”, in which I will branch out and discuss mental health in angles. The angles, will be what I have written and then read out to you (the podcast). A new podcast will be available, at the moment, once a month. In the meantime, Watch three videos.
by KnowingAndAbility | Mar 30, 2021 | Fashion
Before I started my business Clean & Gleam, and I was a Teacher’s Assistant, Saturday became important, in terms of how I focused, what I focused on, then how I flowed, so that I got things done, and making sure I made the tasks I was engaged in were fun. This is easy to achieve, by the way. It is all about colors. It is easy to have fun while stepping and strategizing when you mentally see how you can use what it is that you buy to help yourself be a success.
Start the sorting out, by separating everything you own and use into different occasions
1 – cooking condiments and utensils so as to make sure that you actually use them, thus making your next shopping trip terrific instead of a dreaded task to do.
2 – The same with each piece of clothing that you have. Everything should be categorized, so that when something in your life comes up, you are not sitting there wondering to yourself “what am I going to wear”?
Sort – While I am on the topic of sorting, when you next go shopping, take at least three eco-friendly shopping bags with you, and to aide in keeping you fit, balance the weight in each bag, when you when you either walk home, take public transport or to your car.
1 – For example: I have established a morning routine of eating breakfast, that I won’t break for anyone, because if I do, it will break me. You get me?
2 – The same with my clothes, and the products and services that I use.
Sift your shopping out, by putting your items in a place where you know they will be come time you need them
1 – cooking condiments and utensils so as to make sure that you actually use them, thus making your next shopping trip terrific instead of a dreaded task to do.
2 – The same with each piece of clothing that you have. Everything should be categorized, so that when something in your life comes up, you are not sitting there wondering to yourself “what am I going to wear”?
Sort – Your spaces are where you live, work, and play, and by play, I mean where you mostly relax. Now if you are like me, you will have two, but because the focus of this story and my business is about mental health, it is about being in a happy space emotionally and mentallly.
1 – For example: while I am happy to sit in the lounge and dinning area, I feel happiest when I am cocooned in bed, watching the screen. I am of the computer and so my mind has to focus and flow on just one thing, and that is what is on the screen.
2 – The same thing if I am about to purchase a product and or service that is always of use to me.