Fashion and function, to funny and feeling fantastic

Do you ever feel that you have been given less time to get things done than another person?

Feeling cool

It is agreed, that fitness is good. It makes everything about your life better. And ever more awesome is when doing with another fantastic female who also has the same goal with her health and well being. Being fit and fantastic, enhances your soul, brings about mental clarity, and as a result of this daily action, motivates you to do more with your life.

and fit

I am a big believer of doing, and doing daily. I try to work at mixing my movement up to see what is working for my well being and how to get better, and one thing I have found is that doing daily gives me the dose of delivering for my soul that i need.

What comes next is about brain power and pushing to a point of preparedness.

I love all things psychology and philosophy… both in theory and practice. The practice is about putting on the right gear and heading out for a walk with another for, counting steps and conversation. The stories and the sharing, can set you up until for when you meet next.

Female and female

The theory is about listening and learning, linking up with another to have a good conversation, a laugh or two while sharing wisdom through wealth of experience. And some listening has bought about just that. Experience.

Experience is learned within your environment.

When I started my cleaning (to be gleaming) business many years ago, I did not know how I would do. I was really happy when, the next day the phone rang with a work offer, one that would turn me and my work into a work in progress. And because I knew what my goal was, I knew I needed to just get on with doing, with what fashion and resources I had on hand.

Evolving emotions

However I still needed more help, from another female

When I got the work, and to work and walk with another female, that followed with raving reviews, my attitude and mindset changed to feeling fit and fantastic from the opportunities that had come my way.