As I mentioned, to be able to evaluate effectively, first you need to know what it is that you are evaluating – so in this case, it is a marketing managers impact on performance, which means what exactly? It means knowing what a marketing manager is (don’t worry I have done the google research for you, and here it is) – A marketing manager is someone who is responsible for leading the marketing efforts of a business, service or product. So, because I know this, I am able to take the appropriate course of action (writing blogs on social media and leading people like you, to my business, like now)  

 For a marketing manager to have an impact on team performance, he or she must know themselves well enough to evaluate and execute a successful plan

So over a period of time, I worked out a few things, four to be exact, and this has helped me to not only evaluate where I am at, but to execute a strategy that will get me success, and others also.

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