Clean and gleam






The cleanliness and gleaming shine of your home is the resources. 

curri am all about building a business of education, one that supports your learning, so you know and are able to live your life.


 Creating a business based on what I knew and was able to do, that helped others as well as myself.

In 2009, after trying to cope with a lot of distress (from wondering if I would ever work my dream work of helping others), that lead to me experiencing depression on what I would do with my life where work and an income was concerned. I slowly picked myself up as I put out an SOS  – a cleaning service that I would offer for as long as need be – a business I would run for 11 years.  

It took me a bit of time to realize, that it would be a good idea to produce content to sell on what I did and how doing this has helped me to cope with my constant anxiety and depression, of never feeling good enough.

So I did. The first piece of content I wrote, was a 15-page pdf, (which you can get access to here, in which I talk about and show images of each of the rooms that I would clean on repeat.

This was where my learning to navigate life on how to cope with a learning disability and my mental health came, along with the idea of knowingandability. Soon after, this business (knowingandability) was born. Creating and knowing steps to take, and the strategies I employed, that would help me to feel ordered and great.

What also helped, were the people who had faith (by continuously employing me) in my knowing and ability to help them keep their homes clean and gleaming with shine.

The subsequent pieces of content that I produced are a 26-module course that I have called, maid 2 mentor u in your home, (in which I have produced videos) and an ebook or two. Both of these are also available when you join a place for people.

The content that I created above, (can be found inside a place for people) was all carefully planned and crafted as I carried out all of the tasks that I provided as part of my cleaning service, and now through my guidance and learning support also.








You can get in touch with Yanna here. Follow her on Facebook here. And you can read more on Linkedin and Medium.