Develop personally, with steps and strategic flow.

In this post, I talk about what it means to learn in steps, and why it is important.

I am going to use the content that I will talk to you about and teach you, so I will start with where I started , cleaning because that is how I got here.

So, let us start with what it means to learn in steps.

To learn means to acquire or gather information that you may not have already known before. The know of Knowing&ability is about how in steps. This is a deep dive into what I do, that makes me feel good. The ability means to flow and achieve.

Now I need to point out here, about my experiences with education, that I did not learn much, because I did not engage and I did not evolve. Putting myself out there to help others (the first time was hard because that frightened little girl, who was scared she would not learn – but instead fail, was out) through sharing how I could help, looking back, I think is a courageous thing to do, and I will tell you why.

Even in this day and age, people can be mean when you share. I know this is controversial, but my thinking on that is if you need to be mean, keep that thought in your head, and get some counseling on why you need to be mean? Where have you learned this behavior? Keep your mouth shut, if you have nothing nice to say, as you will only hurt or annoy someone. If you are the one being bullied if you feel an argument or an attack of some kind will arise, again keep your mouth shut.

So why is learning in steps important?

The last part is why learning in steps is important. You have to mentally and emotionally evolve, and work things out. Do I go there again or not? And so is the next part. It is about doing again, or not, through your knowing&ability. That is your knowing&ability. So, keep reading.

This brings me to the point of learning, in steps. To see how each piece of content is received, by the student. Back then it was me. It still is me, but it is also now about you too. And by received, I mean “Do you know what I am talking about? A question that goes with that, is how will you know? My answer, is my stories, and within that, my steps and strategic flow.

Know and be able on repeat, and with steps.

Much love, Knowing&Ability xo