What is Knowing? It is an intelligence that guides you, so you can know, grow, and go.

What is Ability? A skill of being able to do something, and well.

What is knowingandAbility? An intelligent guide walking alongside you providing you with the learning support you need to succeed.

Why do I do what I do? To share my intelligence with you, so that you too have a set of skills in different areas of life that help you to succeed slowly and in steps. The areas of life that I work around are as follows: Mental health, cleaning and learning.

You can learn more about my why, how, what here. 

Knowing&Ability exists for the purpose of helping you to get through your day-to-day, through guidance, learning support and content. From feeling your feelings to focusing on what you need to learn. You see if you can’t engage with your emotions, you can’t fully engage with life. When you manage your stress, you get success. Some examples of life’s day-to-day stress:


Guidance, via membership

The number 1 service I offer. My memberships break down my steps and strategies day by day. These are areas of life that I discovered I knew something about and that I had the ability to achieve with, that I am now sharing with you. Value is 100% guaranteed if you follow my system.

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K & A

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